Gov. Healey: Trump Didn’t Handle the COVID-19 Pandemic Well
HEALEY: "Yeah, and look. I try to explain to people as governor, here’s how we got here, okay? We had Covid which Trump did not handle well. There had to be a huge infusion of money to save our small businesses and to help our — all of our states. Inflation rose as a result, and what’s happened under the Biden-Harris Administration is they’ve actually worked to bring down inflation. There is still work to do. What’s important, Martha, going forward, is that Donald Trump wants to make permanent tax cuts for the ultra wealthy among us, okay? Which is only going to burden us with more debt. He also wants to put on more tariffs which are going to raise consumer prices for all of us. In contrast, Kamala Harris has said, I’m going to lay the foundation to see further reductions in the interest rates which I think we’ll see soon, and prices are going to come down, but —"