Cillizza: Kamala Harris Is ‘the Most Unknown, Known Person in the Country’
CILLIZZA: “She has done this before, right? She’s been in a VP debate. She’s been on national stage before. She’s never been on this stage, right? Only one debate currently on the schedule. We don’t know if there will be more, but on the schedule, just one. So the stakes are high. And remember, she’s the most unknown known person in the country. Most people know she’s the vice president of the United States. Ask them to tell you one or two other things about her, particularly among swing voters in swing states, they might struggle a little bit. So, this will be — the last two months of this campaign are a battle to define her. Donald Trump is already defined, people don’t like him. Doesn’t mean they won’t vote for him, but they don’t like him. People don’t know necessarily how they feel about her. And I think this debate is really critical. Is it Donald Trump’s definition of Kamala Harris that people glom onto or is it Kamala Harris’s definition of Kamala Harris? Obviously, makes a huge difference in terms of winning and losing.”
(Via Breitbart)