Dem Sen. Murphy on Ga. School Shooting: ‘You Want to Stop These Mass Shootings?’ Vote for Kamala Harris

‘Kamala Harris said she’ll make this a priority, work to ban the AR-15s’


MURPHY: "So, listen I always think it's it's difficult to make policy based on one particular shooting. In this case it looks like the young man got his hands on his parents gun, but there are plenty of other mass shootings where a young man walked into a gun store and walked out with a weapon. There are plenty of instances where the owner of the firearm pulled the trigger and we could have either denied that individual the gun or we could have had a red flag law that allowed somebody to take that gun away. But here is a policy that can work. In Connecticut we've got a safe storage law. We actually require parents who have young kids in the house to lock up their weapons and there's a penalty if you don't. Georgia doesn't have that law. So it isn't as if there aren't interventions that would make a difference. I always think it's a mistake to make policy based on one mass shooting. But whether it be background checks, whether it be strong red flag laws, whether it be banning the weapons, whether it be requiring parents to lock up the weapons, it's not as if we have a shortage of policies. It's not as if we don't know what to do. We know what to do. It's just states like Georgia run by Republicans, run by Donald Trump-supporting Republicans choose to do nothing, because they care about the gun industry more than they care about the health of our kids. And that's just a choice for voters. You want to continue to have the gun industry in charge of your state? You want to continue to have these shootings happen? Go continue to elect people that advertise to you they're going to do nothing. Or you could choose to support people who go out there and run for election and tell you that they're going to put our kids safety first."


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