‘I Know What I Saw’: Trump Nephew Fred Tells Liberal Host Donald Trump Showing Signs of ‘Dementia’
‘I know what I saw in my grandfather’
TRUMP: “I know what I saw in my grandfather. I know what I saw in Donald’s older sister, my Aunt Maryanne, who in the end — thank you for saying I am not a doctor, I don’t pretend to be. I just, I know the warning signs from both of my grandfathers. What it what it is.
Donald’s cousin, John Walters had dementia. It runs in the family. I’m not happy about it because guess what? I worry about it myself. You know, when I. Where’s my glasses? Oh, on the top of my head. Now, I don’t know. That may be half-heimers, but it runs in the family.”
(Via Mediaite)
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