CNN’s McKend Calls ‘No Tax on Tips’ Kamala Harris’ ‘Policy Vision’ that Trump Has Been Talking a Lot About
‘So that‘s getting a lot of attention’
MCKEND: “Well, this week she's going to outline her economic policy vision. And that perhaps makes sense to start with the economy. We know that it is a top concern for so many voters. I don't know how much it will quiet the -- the consternation from Republicans if she's not focusing enough on policy. Oddly enough, one of her first policy visions that she announced on Saturday in Nevada, before the Culinary Union, which endorsed her, a major player in that state, was to eliminate tips -- eliminate taxes on tips for hospitality workers. And, of course, the former president has been talking about that for weeks, so that's getting a lot of attention.”
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05/27/2017: Alabama State Rep.: ‘Every Confederate Statue and Flag Literally Represents the Oppression of Black People’ (clip)
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05/27/2017: Alabama State Rep.: ‘Every Confederate Statue and Flag Literally Represents the Oppression of Black People’ (clip)
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05/27/2017: Alabama State Rep.: ‘Every Confederate Statue and Flag Literally Represents the Oppression of Black People’ (clip)
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