Grabien Exclusive: The 82 Unfulfilled ‘State of the Union’ Promises of Barack Obama
Tonight President Obama delivers his fifth State of the Union address (sixth if you count his unofficial 2009 address), during which he is expected to engage the usual custom of issuing a variety of new promises.
But what of past promises? Have they been fulfilled?
Do you remember that in 2009 he promised to create universal private retirement savings accounts?
Or his 2009 promise to close Gitmo?
Or his 2010 promise that ObamaCare would not interfere with Americans' existing health-care plans?
What about his promise to pass immigration reform, which he has repeated in almost every State of the Union address during his presidency?
Grabien went back and looked at all the promises Mr. Obama made in these five speeches. We count 82 promises that remain uncompleted. See for yourself.