Brzezinski: ‘What Is the Difference’ Between Soft Porn and Hard Core Porn?
BRZEZINSKI: “Dr. Ben Carson joins us live. Plus, the land of Lee Atwater. South Carolina is known for occasionally getting just a little bit nasty.
SCARBOROUGH: “Just a skosh.” [crosstalk]
BRZEZINSKI: “So, we’ll show you a new Ted Cruz ad just out this morning. We’ll bring in Steve Kornacki, Andrea Mitchell —“
SCARBOROUGH: “Is this the one with the porn star?” [crosstalk]
BRZEZINSKI: “Steve, I think it’s honest work and they should have kept the ad. Kept her busy.”
SCARBOROUGH: “Well, you know what? I guess, and we now have Steve — I heard Steve say well, it was only soft porn.” (Laughter)
UNKNOWN MALE: “Did you hear that?”
SCARBOROUGH: “I heard that.”
BRZEZINSKI: “What is the difference?”
RATTNER: “I thought she didn’t want to know the difference.” [crosstalk]
GEIST: “Very revealing.”
BRZEZINSKI: “No, I am —“
RATTNER: “Mika wants to know the difference, Willie. Will you explain to her?”
BRZEZINSKI: “Is there a difference?”
GEIST: “We’ll talk off line. Steve is going to explain it to you.” [crosstalk]
SCARBOROUGH: “Well we don’t know the difference. How do you know the difference?” [crosstalk]
BRZEZINSKI: “OK. We’ll have a tutorial and a break. We’ll be right back.”
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