Kristol: After Debate Performance ‘It’s Crazy’ Biden Has Not Seen a Doctor
KRISTOL: "I mean, first of all, you go to see a specialist with the kinds of symptoms he presented with. Obviously, that can be arranged. Secondly, Phillippe was with Secretary Clinton when she had her incident on September 11th, I believe, in 2016, and she saw a doctor. I worked in the Bush White House, vice president — President Bush collapsed at a dinner in Japan in, I think, January of 1992. He saw a physician, the physician determined there was something wrong, thank God it was very manageable, I think it was a thyroid balance thing, I don‘t remember. They announced that, he took some drugs, and he was basically just fine, led a long life and that was good. I mean, it‘s kind of crazy. I really just — I'm both upset in the sense — I‘m upset about it. As a human thing, it is crazy for him not to see a doctor and not to see the relevant specialists."
(Via Breitbart)