Voters ‘Can’t Unsee What We’ve Seen’: The Bulwark Editor Bill Kristol on Biden’s Debate Performance
KRISTOL: “But he shouldn’t be the nominee. You can’t look at that debate. You can’t unsee what we’ve seen. And it was not just a bad debate. He — you know, he’s older. He has a health problem. I’m going to put it that way. And I’m sympathetic to him. He’s been a good president. We owe him a lot for what he did in 2020 in defeating Donald Trump, and we owe him a lot for being a good president for three and a half years. We don’t owe him another four years in the White House. And he should step aside and the Democratic — all of his delegates can have a nice debate among themselves and people can run and they can select a better nominee. And what’s really striking in your interview with Chris Coons is that now the official line of the Democratic Party, that no other Democrat can beat Donald Trump.”