Terrence Howard to Joe Rogan: ‘You Took a Bold Stand Years Ago When the Governments Were Trying to Poison Their Citizens’
‘That’s what I was like, wow!’
HOWARD: "You took a bold stand, though, years ago, when the governments were trying to poison their citizens. You took a very bold stand that nobody else took. That's when I was like, 'Wow. I appreciate you 'cause I lost three, four jobs because I refused to take it.' I refused to take it."
ROGAN: "I bet you feel better about it now."
HOWARD: "Well — "
ROGAN: "Especially when you know all these people that have health problems because of it."
HOWARD: "Cancers have increased 300 percent."
ROGAN: "Yeah. All-cause mortality up 40 percent in some age groups."
HOWARD: "Pulmonary embolisms almost up like 500 percent, thrombosis — "
ROGAN: "Yeah. I wonder what causes that. Crazy."
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