Andrew Weissmann Recounts When He Originally Discovered $130,000 Trump Payment: ‘What’s a Stormy Daniels?’
WEISSMANN: “It was very fortuitous. We were looking at this bank account for other reasons. And a defense lawyer who was -- who had the information that I'm just going to send it to you. And I remember, pulling it up on my computer screen, and there was the information that we were focusing on. And at the bottom of it, the bank reported something separate, which was this essential consulting $130,000 to Keith Davidson, which is sort of odd. But it struck the bank as odd, so it got reported. And --"
O'DONNELL: "A bank reported the odd transaction."
WEISSMANN: "Yes. Exactly. And -- so just fortuitous. We did some digging on sort of Keith Davidson. I remember my colleague, Jeannie Rhee, and I sort of looked up, sort of like what's -- what's -- what's a Stormy Daniels, and walking into Bob Mueller's office."
O"DONNELL: "He knew. Mueller knew who's Stormy Daniels."