Kristen Soltis Anderson: ‘Donald Trump Is Somebody Who Has Run for President Twice as a Wrecking Ball’

‘He’s tried to sell that as a positive thing’


SOLTIS ANDRESON: “Well, right now Donald Trump is somebody who has run for president twice as a wrecking ball. A bull in a china shop. And he has tried to sell that to voters as a positive thing. It worked in 2016. It didn’t in 2020. And thus far, in the lead up to 2024, if you look at things like his ads that he has put out, a number of them have tried to sound a note that said if I was president, we wouldn’t be at war. If I was president, we wouldn’t have this economic chaos, chaos at the border, et cetera. It’s as if he is trying, in at least his formal messaging, to pivot toward I’m going to be less chaotic than Joe Biden. But, of course, what you just talked about, his Christmas evening message, really runs counter to that. It’s kind of the id and ego, if you will, the two faces of Donald Trump. He wants to, I believe, in 2024, make the case that Joe Biden is more chaotic. But his own nature to just tweet random things that are offensive or crazy at any given time really are going to make it hard for his team to execute on that kind of strategy.”

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