National Review Reporter: ‘Men in Women’s Sports Is Not Only Unfair but Dangerous’

‘How many more Lia Thomas’s and Riley Gaines do we need to see before these governing sports bodies and colleges lay down the law and set restrictions’


OWNEY: “It is just as egregious with women’s sports. In those cases we have usually mediocre athletes who were underperforming when they were competing as men, but they wanted the spotlight and the recognition so they declared themselves women and entered the female division, but in the process they stripped titles and accolades from female swimmers or volleyball players who trained their entire lives for this. So my question is, how many more Lia Thomases and Riley Gaines do we need to see before these governing sports bodies and colleges lay down the law and set restrictions, men are men, women are women, and men in women’s sports is not only unfair but dangerous.”

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