Dem Rep. Clyburn on the Next Speaker: I Think that Rep. Tom Cole Would Be the Tone We Would Like To See
CLYBURN: “There are a lot of people on their side and there are one or two people on our side, most especially Speaker Hakeem Jeffries. I think the country got a good chance. Last Saturday, when he filibustered on the floor, such a great speech. They watched the vote yesterday, how we set in unison and unanimity listening to the war taking place on the other side. So there are people on both sides that could do this. I think that their leader, Scalise, I know he's having some health problems, but Steve Scalise is a great guy. I think that Cole would be a sort of the kind of tone that we would like to see. But I'm going to let them handle their business and we're going to handle ours and hopefully they do something that will make the American people pleased with our activities here in Washington.”