Conan O’Brien Jokes that Trump’s Worst Crime Wasn’t Jan. 6 But How He ‘Hurt Comedy’ by Being Too ‘Crazy’ to Parody
O’BRIEN: “What you can never do is parody The National Enquirer because The National Enquirer cannot be parodied. If you go and buy a real National Enquirer, it says, 'Elvis sighted in a UFO, he has tentacles arms,' 'Ghost baby turns into a vampire and attacks Michael Jackson's ghost,' you know, it's just like it doesn't — you can't parody that. You can’t parody something that already has that crazy irregular shape. It’s not possible. So I always thought that when Trump came along, what a lot of people have to revert to is, ‘Doesn’t he suck? I hate that guy. He’s an asshole.’ And those aren’t jokes. So I think it's just — you know, I’m really going out on a limb here saying that’s his greatest crime. I think he’s hurt political comedy by being so outlandish himself. I think the January 6th thing is a blip compared to how much he’s hurt comedy."
(Via Mediaite)