A Preschool Teacher in Cape Coral, FL Says She Teaches Her Students to Be Gay
DUFFY: “I feel like I had to learn the concept of chosen families really young and it wasn’t anything to do with my queerness, but just based on the fact that I didn’t have the love at home that I needed, and I knew that I was valuable and deserved it. So I found it on my own early on. And, you know, I shouldn’t be blamed for that, because they’re, like, real. Like, blood still exists. You were never there for me and I found my own love and that’s okay, and I think everybody should be allowed to do that. And that’s what I fu**ing teach in the classroom, okay? I always say give it to your friend, not your mom, because fu** your mom! And I don’t know, I just am so sad. I am so sad and I hate my sister, she’s a fu**ing cu**, that’s all I have to say.”
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