Ben Collins: If You’re a Juror in the Trump Trial, ‘You Probably Are Starting to Fear for Your Life’
COLLINS: "Yeah, if you’re a juror here, you probably are starting to fear for your life. That's probably what's going on. If you’re on this grand jury, that’s what you’re thinking. That’s because there’s a whole system set up around this called weaponizable data points. This is what J.M. Berge, the guy who wrote the book on extremism called 'Extremism' brought out when he said that, you know, when political candidates are looking for ways to advance their message but kind of run out of options, they go after specific people that they think are weak. A really good example of this, weirdly enough, is in Georgia, it's Ruby Freeman. Back a couple years ago, I tried my damnedest to get her on the phone. I kept calling her because the word that kept coming into my head, it's very relevant to this discussion, is patsy. They tried to turn this poor old lady, basically, who had a mall kiosk store, that sold purses, by the way, into a patsy. They sent one of their people, one of their consiglieres after her, trying to get her to admit to a crime she did not do so they could create this whole established narrative that actually she is the stand-in for much larger election crime that actually did not happen. So, what you see now is they’re trying to do that to these jurors.”
(via RealClearPolitics)
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