Tenn. Trooper Asks Rev. Thompson to Leave Frontage of Tenn. House Chamber While on Live Interview
‘I’m doing live on MSNBC’
THOMPSON: “So, people are demonstrating -- I’m doing live on MSNBC, sir. I’m live on MSNBC. Okay. Joy, I'm moving -- I'll be there in a minute. I’ll be there in a minute. All right."
REID: "What is going on there, Mark? Can we go back to Mark so I can see what’s going on over there with him? What is happening?"
THOMPSON: "They gave me permission. You see the trooper is going back in. They gave me permission to stand out here. Then they came out and tried to revoke permission just now. That's what you just heard. I told the gentleman I was live on television. I guess he heard that and decided to go away. So, it’s like that up here."
REID: "Yeah, maybe they didn’t like what you were saying."
Video files
Audio files (2)

05/27/2017: Alabama State Rep.: ‘Every Confederate Statue and Flag Literally Represents the Oppression of Black People’ (clip)
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05/27/2017: Alabama State Rep.: ‘Every Confederate Statue and Flag Literally Represents the Oppression of Black People’ (clip)
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05/27/2017: Alabama State Rep.: ‘Every Confederate Statue and Flag Literally Represents the Oppression of Black People’ (clip)
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05/27/2017: Alabama State Rep.: ‘Every Confederate Statue and Flag Literally Represents the Oppression of Black People’ (clip)
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