Laura Loomer: NYC Cops Told Me They’ll Call out Sick Tomorrow Because They Support Trump

‘A lot of the police officers in the NYPD are going to have what they call blue flu’

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LOOMER: “And there was a woman there today, whose son was an NYPD officer, told me that a lot of the cops were going to have blue flu tomorrow and that there’s talks among themselves on their own private chats that a lot of them are going to call out sick because nobody wants to process Trump.”

BANNON: “Give me that again. You think that there’s going to be lot of the NYPD, just because they’re so outraged by this, who will decide not to come in tomorrow?”

LOOMER: “Yeah, the mother of one of these NYPD officers, whose — her son is now going to be transferring to Boynton, which is in Palm Beach County, where I ran for Congress in 2020, said that her son told her that a lot of the police officers in the NYPD are going to have what they call blue flu. And blue flu is a term in law enforcement that they use when police officers don’t want to have to carry out a mission or a task at hand that they’ve been ordered to do by their superiors.”

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