Adrienne Elrod: Biden Is ‘Going in the Lines of Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower in Terms of Actually Getting Things Done’
ELROD: “If yes first of Alex, thank you gingrich for rewriting with Democrats have been saying all along. Look I’m in the question to your point, is all Republicans going to pay attention? I mean they are so focused on giving debating these cultural. As having fights on Twitter and fighting the freedom caucus will lead the charge or more moderate wind of the party will succeed. My guess is on this. My bet is on the freedom caucus. As opposed to actual legislating and the dems, we talked about this on your show where the day that Nancy Pelosi said I am no longer running for you know the democratic leader, at the same time Republicans in the house held a press conference saying the first thing that we will do is examine Hunter Biden’s laptop. That is not what the American people want, that is not what they told Republicans that wanted in the midterm election cycle. They want to competent and effective government. That is exactly what luke getting bridge reiterated. He is getting things done and he is you know, going in the lines of Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower in terms of actually getting things done.”