Fetterman’s Wife Says NBC Reporter Should Face ‘Consequences’ for Exposing His Inability to Make ‘Small Talk’ Without a Computer
BARRETO FETTERMAN: “I don’t like saying ‘rage’ because I think that’s a really unhealthy feeling, and when you feel those things it only harms yourself. But I just, you know, what a disservice that she did to not only my husband, but to anyone facing a disability and working through it, and I don’t know how there were not consequences. Right? I mean, there are consequences for folks in these positions who are any of the isms. I mean, she was ableist. And that’s what she was in her interview. It was appalling to the entire disability community and I think to journalism. So I was shocked. I’m still really upset about it. And I think the positive is that it’s brought a lot of conversations around accommodations around rights, around ableism, right? I mean, ableism was trending on Twitter. It just shows there’s so much work to do, but these networks have to take accountability. Right? Like, where is your training?”