Eddie Glaude Jr.: The Conservative Media Ecosystem Is a ‘Peril to Our Democracy’

‘If you listen carefully what a lot of the hosts on Fox are saying and what a lot of these other pundits and commentators and columnists, they’re not necessarily defending Trump’


GLAUDE JR.: “I can disagree with Liz Cheney because she agrees with the assumptions that allow us to disagree. These people, it seems to me, right, don’t agree with the basic principles of democracy. So they are willing to undermine the conditions for any reasonable deliberation. Then you combine that with the other story in the 'New York Times' -- we're kind of focusing on the 'New York Times' --“
LEMIRE: “Well, I mean, look around the table here.” (Laughter)
GLAUDE JR.: “But you combine that with the story of the Republicans on the campaign trail, you know, talking about violence and Civil War. So you've got conspiracy theories, deep state suspicions here, disagreeing with the background conditions. And then folks are saying the stakes are that these are bitter enemies and that violence is on the horizon. It seems that, you know, what these folks you’re talking about, this is a peril to our democracy as such.”


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