Fox News: 8.4+ Million Americans Behind on Rent Payments as Credit Card Debt, Gas Prices Rise
‘This number is really astonishing’
CRUZE: “The whole housing market right now, it’s really tough for people. We talk to Americans every day here on The Ramsey Show. And you’re hearing the struggle. It’s not just the grocery and the gas, it’s their housing. And so, now that the market is up, it’s tougher to buy a home. And then you’re seeing rent, and eight million Americans are going to be late on rent. And so, one of the biggest pieces of advice I can give people is control what you can control. Not sitting back and waiting on Washington to put a policy in place to rescue you, really looking at your income and saying, okay, when my paycheck hits my account, what are my priorities, and budgeting more intentionally than ever.”
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