Politico’s Swan: Democrat Members of Congress Have Admitted ‘Nobody Gives a Bleep About January 6th’ in Their Districts
WOODRUFF SWAN: “I don’t think it does. I have talked to two separate Democratic members of Congress in the last couple of weeks about January 6th, obviously I can’t say who. And both of them have said, offhandedly, nobody gives a bleep about January 6th when they’re talking about their districts and the way that elections play out. The reality is, obviously, it’s a very important issue. Obviously, I’ve been covering this nonstop for the last year. It’s important, it’s a key part of understanding American history and the democratic trajectory that this country is on. It is also true, at the same time, and not at all contradictory, that it’s not a top-tier voting issue for people who are figuring out who they’re going to support during the midterms. Top-tier issues are material concerns. How are people paying their mortgages? How much does it cost to get milk and bread? How much does it cost to get gas? Do these hearings result in different electoral outcomes for Democrats? I have yet to see any actual evidence that they do.”