Betsy Woodruff Swan: ‘Trump’s Leadership Style Was that He Loved Watching His Aides Fight with Each Other’
WOODRUFF SWAN: “One of the more distinctive components of, shall we say, Trump’s leadership style was that he loved watching his aides fight with each other. It was basically an MMA approach to Oval Office meetings. He just personally really enjoyed seeing people have these big dramatic fights, and it’s hard to think what Oval Office fight could have been more dramatic and more large than this one between the leaders, both of his White House counsel’s office and all the top DoJ people versus this one guy who Trump thought was going to make all his election overturning dreams come true. The only other meeting that would perhaps compare in terms of Mortal Kombat style vibe, would have been the meeting on December 18th where Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and the guy met with Trump and tried to persuade him to take all sorts of steps, including using the military to seize voting machines, and it was only because a host of additional White House lawyers showed up and said, no, no, no, no, this is totally insane, that it didn’t happen, and it’s just extraordinary the extent to which shouting matches in the Oval Office, essentially dunkfests determined — I don’t want to sound hyperbolic here, but kind of determined the course of the end of Donald Trump’s presidency."