CNN Promotes W.H. Talking Points: Putin’s Price Hike, Republicans Act as Though It’s Biden Who Caused Inflation
CAMEROTA: "Okay, so as you probably know, many politicians act as though it’s President Biden who caused inflation and that he can fix this. Can he do something about it?"
FOROOHAR: "Well, he can do things at the margins. He can release some of the strategic petroleum reserves, which he’s already called for. He can probably try and get bipartisan agreement for more drilling. That’s something that's on the table. But, no, he did not cause the war which caused prices to surge. Now, inflation was already rising, for sure. We had supply chain issues. Some of that was actually because of good news, meaning a really strong recovery, stronger than people would have expected following that latest wave of Covid, but gas and oil is going to be up because of this war. There is no question. And grain, too. Ukraine and Russia have a quarter of the world’s grain reserves."