Tony Perkins on Kim Davis: ‘She’s Not Forcing Her Beliefs on Anyone’
Perkins Defends Kim Davis: 'She's Not Forcing Her Beliefs on Anyone' (Fox News)
Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, returns to work tomorrow.
Attorneys for Davis, who objects to gay marriage on religious grounds, filed an appeal Friday asking that she be allowed to continue banning marriage licenses for gay couples for her entire office until the case is settled.
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, explained on "America's News Headquarters" that Davis simply does not want her name on any licenses that are issued to same-sex couples, as that would violate her conscience.
"Her whole objection is that she doesn't want to be party to something that violates her orthodox religious views," Perkins said, adding that there are many who agree with Davis, including many young people who are committed to their faith.