NYT’s Baker: ‘The Authentic’ Clinton Is the ‘One Who Said She Wasn’t Sorry Because I Don’t Think She Was’

‘I think the authentic Hillary Clinton is the one who said she wasn’t sorry because I don’t think she was’

BAKER: “Yes, no I think that’s great. Look, the Clintons have been through this, as you said, so many times, scandal, recovery, scandal, recovery, set back of some sort, and they’re good at it. They’re the leading rebounders in American politics over the last two decades. So we should not, as John said, count her out by any stretch. If you look at the 20, 22 candidates or whatever who are running for president, the one person you’d still want to be if you were running is probably still Hillary Clinton. She has the best organization and money and position despite her problems.”

IFILL: “And name recognition.”

BAKER: “But -- and name recognition. But the problems are important and they do tell you something about how she would be as president. She’s reluctant to admit mistakes. She’s — we talk about authenticity. I think the authentic Hillary Clinton is the one who said she wasn’t sorry because I don’t think she was. She said, I did the right thing. I was allowed to do it. What’s the problem? And she resists advice to -- to say something otherwise.”

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