Goolsbee: ‘Even If You Believe [Inflation] To Be Temporary, Which I Do, It’s Still Months’
‘So it is still going to be a major headache for the Biden administration dealing with this inflation for a long time’
GOOLSBEE: “The inflation depends a lot on what it is that you buy. So, if you look at countries or you look at states where they're especially gas intensive the price of gasoline is way up. So -- so, the places where they drive a lot are going to be suffering the most. But like I say, overall this is 100 percent global phenomenon that -- that you got the supply chain unable to handle this in the short run. Even if you believe this to be temporary, which I -- I do, it's still months, so it's still going to be a major headache for the Biden administration dealing with -- with this inflation for -- for a long time.”
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