Pelosi: ‘I Love the Bushes and George Bush for Many Reasons, but He Was Not a Climate Acceptor’

‘But we did work together with him to pass the biggest energy bill in the history of the country, of the United States’


PELOSI: “But for a long time, on the other side of the aisle, whether it was Montreal, Kyoto, to some of the agreements over time, Paris Accords and the rest, had rejected any research, any study, anything. We could never get the Republicans to vote with us on that. Actually, President Obama was the first president — I mean, I love the Bushes and George Bush for many reasons, but he was not a climate acceptor. Just wasn’t. And his party was not. But we did work together with him to pass the biggest energy bill in the history of the United States. We worked in a bipartisan way. He wanted nuclear, I wanted renewables, and we had a big celebration as we signed, as he signed that legislation. So he did do that, but that was the energy piece, not the climate piece, and it’s a dual piece. So, he did that, but when it came to global meetings and the rest, G7 — well, then it was G8 — he never was a supporter of any climate initiatives. President Obama was, went to Paris, the Paris Accords, etc., but we still had that fight after.”

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