Rosie: ‘I’d Like to Smear’ My ‘Period Blood’ ‘All over Some People’s Faces’
Today on the Sirius/XM show, "Just Jenny," Rosie O'Donnell called in to vent about the "period shaming" she felt women were experiencing in the media.
The conversation began when host Jenny Hutt and her guest Jenny Johnson discussed marathoner Kiran Ghandi, who last week completed a race while menstruating -- without wearing a tampon.
The feminist host and guest agreed the display was unseemly. Which is what sparked O'Donnell's call into the show. She speculated Ghandi was making a statement about Donald Trump.
"Why do you think she did that? ...When Fox anchors are being accused of being hormonal and ashamed because they have their period," O'Donnell said. "Then that woman does that woman does that. Why do you think she does that stuff? You don't think she did that to say, F**k you a**hole?!"
"Bigger than any specific people, there is a war on women that is happening in this country," she said. "Women fought for equality in this country, and right now, politically, it's being taken away from us."
"I'd like to take my period blood that I no longer have and write, 'You're all a**holes,'" O'Donnell ranted. "I'd like to smear it all over some people's faces."
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