CDC Director Walensky: Michigan Must Shut Down to Combat Covid
WALENSKY: "We know that if vaccines go in arms today, we will not see an effect of those vaccines, depending on a vaccine, for somewhere between two to six weeks. So when you have an acute situation, am extraordinary number of cases like we have in Michigan, the answer is not necessarily to give vaccine. In fact, we know that the vaccine will have a delayed response. The answer to that is to really close things down, to go back to our basics, to go back to where we were last spring, last summer, and to shut things down, to flatten the curve, to decrease contact with one another, to test the extent that we have available to contact trace. Sometimes you can’t even do it at the capacity that you need, but really what we need to do in those situations is shut things down. I think if we tried to vaccinate our way out of what is happening in Michigan, we would be disappointed that it took so long for the vaccine to work to actually have the impact."
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