Mia Love: Republicans Have to Stop Attacking Each Other or They’re Going to Lose Big Time in Two Years
LOVE: "Well, I think one of the things that they have to stop doing is stop attacking each other. It does nothing to censure Liz Cheney, it did nothing in Arizona, all it did was — look, Nancy Pelosi realizes that she has a narrow margin in the House of Representatives and they’re going to capitalize on every opportunity they can to widen that margin. That's fact. And what Republicans are doing by in fighting is handle that over to her. So I think when you talk about truth, you really need to get to point realize that people are going to vote differently than you. They’re going to have a different opinion. And that is OK. They have to deal with that with their constituents. You don’t go and fight within each other and you start talking about the things that you are for. You start talking about the limited government, the fiscal discipline, all of the things that Republicans actually stand for. Republicans aren’t talking about that right now. It's -- it's this --"
HARLOW: "Yeah."
LOVE: "-- purity test that no one's ever going to win. It's ridiculous. And not only is the GOP going to lose, but they’re going to lose big time in two years if they don’t cut it out."