Pompeo on Biden’s Immigration Order: We Have Responsibility to the People Here in the United States
BARTROMO: “Yeah. I mean, what I keep saying is if you want your kids and their kids and their grandkids to have the same opportunities that you had growing up you better wake up to understand that a communist nation wants to overtake United States, the whole world should be worried about. I am going to getting back to China in a moment, secretary, but the Biden administration is also planning to reopen a holding center in Texas for migrant kids detained at a border. It’s been unoccupied since 2019, it’s going to house up to 700 people days over the next two weeks and it comes just days after President Biden signed a number of executive orders aimed at reversing Trump immigration policies including a task force to reunify families separated at a border. What are your thoughts on these executive orders relating to immigration?”
POMPEO: “I worked hard on immigration issues, Maria. The American national security depends on a sovereign United States of America. We — we have to know who is coming in and out of country. We are compassionate people, everyone all across the world wants to come and be here in America but we have a responsibility to the people who are here in the United States to make sure that we have secured borders, that we know who is coming in and out of our country and that we regulate our immigration in a way that preserves jobs and prosperity and wages for the people who are here in the United States. I hope the next administration doesn’t undo all the good work we did, to keep America safe, from drugs coming across our border, from illegals across our border, from all the ills that flow from open borders here in the United States.”
BARTIROMO: “Well, we can all hope but it looks like secretary that’s exactly what they are doing, undoing President Trump, and your – approach to foreign policy. I want to take a break, but when we come back I want to ask you what is most concerning. Because we’ve got 43 executive orders. Our audience needs to best understand where the vulnerabilities are, which you know so well, Secretary Pompeo. Stay with us. We are talking more about China and the U.S.”