CNN’s Anderson Cooper Comments on Protesters: ‘Look at This Buffoon Dressed Up as the Revolutionary’

‘Each of these people should be shamed for what they have done today’


COOPER: “Each of these people should be shamed for what they have done today. We should look at their faces, and if I was standing on that street — look at them. They're high-fiving each other for this deplorable display of completely unpatriotic, completely against law and order, completely unconstitutional behavior. It's stunning. And they're going to go back to the Olive Garden and to their Holiday Inn that they're staying at, and the Garden Marriott, and they're going to have some drinks, and they're going to talk about the great day that they had in Washington, and they really did something and stand up for something, and they stood up for nothing, other than mayhem. And a man who is in the despicable waning days of a failed presidency."

BORGER: "Where are the arrests? This is what I want to know. These are people who invaded my Capitol and your Capitol."

COOPER: "I mean, look at this buffoon dressed up as the revolutionary — he's — there's nothing revolutionary about him."

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