CNN’s Keilar: Bible-Quoting Sen. Rubio’s Too Mean to Biden’s Proposed Cabinet of Experts

‘Rubio’s daily devotions are often one-two punches accompanied by judgments or attacks’


KEILAR: "Republican Senator Marco Rubio posts a Bible verse on Twitter almost every day. Recent ones include messages about respect, humility, loving your enemies. These are important themes, especially in the moment that we’re in. But Rubio's daily devotions are often one-two punches accompanied by judgments or attacks. On Tuesday just before he quoted Proverbs and urged folks not to rejoice when your enemies fall, he went after President-Elect Joe Biden's first nominees. He said 'Biden’s cabinet picks went to Ivy League schools, have strong resumes, attend all the right conferences and will be polite and orderly caretakers of America's decline. I support American greatness and I have no interest in returning to the ‘normal’ that left us dependent on China.' Now, there's certainly a debate to be had between Republicans and Democrats on some very key issues that they are facing at this point in time, right? This includes ideologies that guide each party on policy and that would include U.S. and China relations, but Rubio is also going after Biden's picks for being educated and qualified and networking with people who know about the fields that they are now leading in, this is what they're now doing, what they're in charge of. It is a rejection of experience and expertise that permeated the Republican Party even before President Trump.” 

(h/t NewsBusters)

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