Dems: Coronavirus an Opportunity to Create Socialist Utopia [Supercut]
Democrats are pouncing on the Coronavirus, looking to take advantage of the sudden support for big government projects to "re-shape society" in a more progressive vision.
Over the last few weeks, Democrats have urged using the crisis to pursue single-payer health care, nationalized industry, the conscription of medical workers, an expanded social welfare system, and the Green New Deal.
California's Gavin Newsom said the pandemic created an opportunity to "reshape" society.
"We see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern," Newsom said at a press conference this week. "And that shouldn’t put shivers up the spines of, you know, one party or the other. I think it’s an opportunity anew for both parties to come together and meet this moment and really start to think more systemically, not situationally, not just about getting out of this moment, but more sustainably and systemically to consider where we can go together this historic moment if we meet it at a national level in the state and subnational level."
Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said the virological crisis is a "tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision."
"We've got to re-structure the way we deliver health care in this country. That's what we were doing with Medicare and Medicaid. That's what we're doing with the Affordable Care Act. Trying to re-structure the way health care is delivered in this country. So yes, Jim Clyburn is a 'restructuring-government-guy,' and if anybody with any common sense -- and looking at where we are today -- needs to be a restructuring-government person."
Speaker Pelosi said that even after three Coronavirus-focused bills, much more was needed, including: infrastructure, "clean water," community health centers, broadband Internet, a national electricity grid, agricultural produce, and more funding for the USPS.
Her Senate colleague, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), foresaw the next piece of Coronavirus legislation as an opportunity to pursue "green jobs, green infrastructure."
"If we’re going to — look, the Covid-4 can probably be more forward-looking at the economy, and if we’re going to do infrastructure, because there’s nothing better than getting the infrastructure going, and going in a big, strong way, we need it big, we need it bold, and we need it futuristic, which means green," Schumer told MSNBC. "There’s traditional infrastructure, roads, bridges, highways, we need that. But we also need new green infrastructure for the future so we should do that."