While Discussing the Coronavirus, Biden Refers to Ebola as ‘a Transpandemic Disease’

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STEPHANOPOULOS: “Go, I want to ask you about coronavirus. How would the overall response to this virus be different if you were president?”

BIDEN: “It would have be fundamentally different. We set up with the Ebola disease that we were concerned, a trans pandemic disease that existed. Right now, you have this president hasn’t allowed his scientists to speak number one, he has the vice president speaking, not the scientists who know what they’re talking. Number two, they haven’t even prepared a test kit to determine who a person has the virus. Now they’re saying they’ll be available by the end of the week or next week. They don’t — they cut the funding for the CDC. They’ve cut the Centers for Disease Control, they cut the funding — they tried to cut the funding for nih. They have eliminated the office we set up — we set up in the president’s office to deal with pandemic diseases. This has been outrageous the way they proceeded, they should let the scientists speak. They don’t even have a test kit. A test kit to determine whether or not someone has the disease. Look, this is about knowing where it is, who has it and how to deal with it and I see — I see no preparedness other than a political talking points putting someone in charge month’s not a scientist and muzzling the scientists. Mr. Fauci — anyway, he’s become back since the Bush administration. What’s going on? This isn’t a democratic hoax, this is the incompetence on the president of the United States.”


STEPHANOPOULOS: “Mr. Vice president, thank you for your time this morning.”


BIDEN: “Thank you, George.”

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