Trump: ‘Unborn Children Have Never Had a Stronger Defender in the White House’

‘As The Bible tells us, each person is wonderfully made’

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TRUMP: "When we hold a newborn in our arms, we know the endless love that each child brings to a family. When we watch a child grow, we see the splendor that radiates from each human soul. One life changes the world. From my family, and I can tell you, I send love and I send great, great love. And from the first day in  office, I have taken historic action to support America’s families and to protect the unborn. (Applause) And during my first week in office, I reinstated and expanded the Mexico City policy and we issued a landmark pro-life to govern the use of title X taxpayer funding. (Cheering and Applause) I notified Congress that I would veto any legislation that weakens pro-life policy, that encourages the destruction of human life. (Cheering and Applause) At the United Nations, I made clear that global bureaucrat have no business attacking the sovereignty of nations that protect innocent life. [Cheering and Applause) Unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House.”

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