Eugene Robinson on Biden: ‘There’s a Sense That He Could Falter’
‘He still sort of leads on the electability question’
ROBINSON: “Well, okay. So you listen to all those candidates, and they would all tell you, “It’s early. It’s still early.” You know, you know, by the standards of our elections, it’s not actually that early. But this time it is because Joe Biden is the clear frontrunner and people have questions about him. He hasn’t really made the sale with enough of the party I think. Everybody’s comfortable with Joe Biden, but they have questions, you know, about his ability going forward. He still sort of leads on the electability question. Very important to Democrats. But I think there’s a sense that he could falter. And then someone else would have to rise. And we don’t know who that is at this point.”
Video files (4)

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08/25/2019: Eugene Robinson on Biden: ‘There’s a Sense That He Could Falter’
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08/25/2019: Eugene Robinson: Pushback from Other G-7 Leaders to Trump Is ‘Weak’
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08/25/2019: Eugene Robinson: This Idea that Trump Is a ‘Master Player’ of 4-D Chess Is ‘Not True’
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