ICE Director Homan Humiliates AOC After She Tries Blaming Him for Family Separations
Ocasio-Cortez: ‘Seeking asylum is legal’
OCASIO-CORTEZ: "Zero tolerance was interpreted as the policy that separated children from their parents."
HOMAN: "If I get arrested for DUI and I have a young child in the car, I will be separated. When I was a police officer in New York, and I arrested a father for domestic violence, I separated that father from his family."
OCASIO-CORTEZ: "Mr. Homan, with all due respect, legal asylees are not charged with any crime."
HOMAN: "When you enter the country illegally, it's violation 8 United States Code 1325."
OCASIO-CORTEZ: "Seeking asylum is legal."
HOMAN: "If you want to seek asylum, you go through the port of entry, do it the legal way. The Attorney General of the United States has made that clear."
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