Jeremy Bash: ‘Something Is Seriously Wrong’ as Trump Wants To Put the CIA out of Business
BASH: “The president of the United States wants to put the CIA out of business. The business of --"
BASH: "-- the CIA is to conduct human intelligence operations, to recruit human assets who have information about the capabilities and intents of hostile nations and hostile transnational organizations that threaten the United States. North Korea has nuclear bomb fuel of about 20 to 50 nuclear bombs worth. They haven’t dismantled that. They’ve got -- they've twice flight tested an intercontinental ballistic missile. They haven’t dismantled the ICBM capability. They’re flying missiles in violation of the U.N. Security Council resolutions. And in clear violation of the word they extensively gave our president both in Singapore and at Hanoi. The North Korean regime poses a clear and present danger to the United States. And the president says, hey, I’m not — I don’t want to offend them by conducting information gathering, by gathering intelligence to protect our country. Something is seriously wrong here.”