Rep. Moulton: I Think Biden Should Change His Position on Abortion; It’s Wrong
BERMAN: "If I can, and we haven't had much of a chance to talk about it this morning because we've been watching what's going on in Normandy, but there is an interesting development in the Democratic race for president, which is that Joe Biden, the former vice president who is the frontrunner right now, has continued to say that he supports the Hyde Amendment, which has been in place since the late 70s, which bans federal funding for abortions except in the case of rape, incest or the life of the mother. Joe Biden has been clear on his support of the Hyde Amendment throughout his career. The Democratic Party platform has gone against that, starting in 2016, but Joe Biden hasn't changed his position. What's your opinion of that?"
MOULTON: "I think he should change his position. I think it's wrong. It disproportionately attacks women who don't have the private means to afford abortion. And it's sort of like saying I support the troops but I don't want to pay for -- pay them."