CBS’s Eco Correspondent: Climate Change Is ‘100 Percent’ the Fault of Humans
REPORTER: "And the bottom line, climate change is due more to —"
BERARDELLI: "It's completely to humans."
REPORTER: "Humans?"
BERARDELLI: "100 percent. It's a 100 percent. So we at this point have to re-establish our connection to the Earth and to each other. Everything we do has an equal and opposite reaction. And we're starting to become a force of nature. We have to take it seriously, you know, and we have a willpower to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels. It really is the only true solution at this point. Carbon capture is something that we talk about a lot, sucking carbon out of the atmosphere, it's a great technology, it's not ready quite yet. It's happening, but on a very small scale, very expensive, and it needs to be expended all over the world. It's not going to be decades until that happens, but we need to start changing our habits."
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