Fox News: Labor Sec. Alexander Acosta Under Fire for Plea Deal in Jeffrey Epstein Case

‘A federal judge in Florida says prosecutors led by Acosta broke the law by signing the deal with Epstein without notifying his sex abuse victims’

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GALLAGHER: “Martha, what’s paramount in this case is that some 80 women came forward claiming that from 2001 to 2006 think were molested and abused by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. FBI and court records also show that Epstein put together a network of underaged girls and forced them to perform sex acts at his palm beach mansion and he was suspected of trafficking minors from overseas to various sex parties at his homes around the world. Bottom line, he was facing a 53-page indictment and a life sentence in maximum security prison and, yet, ended up serving 13 months in a private wing of the palm beach county jail allowed to leave six days a week to go to work. How is that possible? Well, that’s where labor secretary Alexander Acosta comes in. In 2007 Acosta was Miami’s top prosecutor and accepted a deal called a non-prosecution agreement, which allowed Jeffrey Epstein to plead guilty to prostitution charges in state court and get immunity from federal charges. The deal also protected Epstein’s accomplices meaning if ever well-known influential people were also having sex with minors they would not be prosecuted. And to top it all off, the alleged victims had no recourse. In fact, the victims’ attorneys say it’s as if Acosta allowed Epstein to write up the agreement.”

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