Tucker Fact Checks AOC: Her Resolution Guarantees Economic Security to All People Whether They Want to Work or Not

‘Now, under normal circumstances, sober people would laugh at a proposal like this’


CARLSON: "Well, Ocasio-Cortez's staff has since removed the fact sheet entirely from her office website and they are telling the rest of us to read the actual resolution. It's like a scavenger hunt. Okay, so we did that. We read the actual resolution. Turns out, there’s no substantive difference between the two. Ocasio-Cortez's resolution, the official one, which is right here, guarantees economic security to 'all the people of the United States,' whether they want to work or not. It also calls for free education, and rebuilding 'all existing buildings in the country' and a lot of other things. Now, under normal circumstances, sober people would laugh at a proposal like this. Doesn't even make sense. They would also, by the way, question Ocasio-Cortez's fitness for moral judgment of any kind. Keep in mind that she won the primary in New York with an openly racist campaign. Openly racist.  She attacked her opponent for the color of his skin. That’s the definition of a racist campaign. But whatever. Ocasio-Cortez has three million Twitter followers now. Democrats have to take her seriously. Watch poor Chris Murphy, the senator from Connecticut, over the weekend, pretend these ideas make imminent sense."

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