Swalwell: ‘Fundamentally Un-American’ that Trump ‘So Eagerly Embraced’ Russia
SWALWELL: "You sure are. And we take no pleasure in being right, but the cost to our country has been grave because for two years we’ve sought to test Mr. Stone’s story and Mr. Kushner’s story and Donald Trump Jr.’s story and Michael Cohen’s story. And they were protected by Republicans who wouldn’t allow us to subpoena outside documents that would have proved this much earlier. You know, people inside Washington, they say, well, no one outside Washington really cares about the Russia story. Sure it’s not, you know, as fatal as, you know, a near — as fatal as the shutdown that we’ve experienced, but I find it very fundamentally un-American that the Trump campaign has so eagerly embraced an adversary that never has our interests in mind, and I think our country’s going to continue to suffer until we get to the bottom of it and we know exactly what Russia did and exactly how many Americans worked to help them."