Gingrich: Pelosi, Schumer Care More About Hurting Trump Than They Care About 800K Federal Employees
HANNITY: "Joining us with reaction of the breaking news today author of new book entitled collusion, former speaker of the house, Fox News contributor newt Gingrich. So this is what happened behind the scenes and I knew this was going on for a couple of weeks, Democrats privately pulling in the Senate Lindsey Graham aside and some others in the house, mark meadows and others pulling them aside saying they want the wall. Their leadership will not even touch it until the government is open asking pleading begging give us a chance. The president said all right, have you three weeks. What do you think?"
GINGRICH: "Well, look, I think given the way it played out this is probably the strongest thing President Trump can do. He is actually in a pretty good position to demand two things. One that Nancy Pelosi make an order as speaker. He is not going to get anything out of her. Her left is so crazy she couldn’t possibly compromise. What she could do is allow Kevin Mccarthy, the Republican leader, to offer a bill in three weeks keep the government open, build the wall, solve the challenge with the dreamers, and I believe that bill would carry the house by a surprisingly big margin. That’s what Ronald Reagan did with tipp O’Neal. He knew he couldn’t get o’neil to compromise. But he could get o’neil to schedule a vote in which the majority of the house would vote for something that the left wouldn’t accept. The second pretty simple you don’t get your job done, I’m not going to close the government. But the minute this is over, I am going to file a presidential decree that this is a national emergency. The Congress have failed to protect America and we are building a wall with money we can get out of the defense budget and the homeland security budget and just run over them. This idea that the Democrats today, the leadership of the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer care more about hurting Donald Trump than they care about either 800,000 federal employees or than they care about defending our southern border, I think it is up sustainable and I think the president is in a position now he has taken a beating in public opinion. He has had the natural anti-Trump news media against him every single day but he still believes, as commander-in-chief, that his job is to protect Americans and I think three weeks from now will be the real test."