Felicity Jones on Portraying Ruth Bader Ginsburg: ‘It Was Hugely Nerve-Wracking’
BALDWIN: "She is a legend here in America and beyond. And when you were cast in the film, I read that you went out to dinner with Justice Ginsburg. What was that like, just sitting in the same space, inhaling the same oxygen as someone so extraordinary? And also, what observations did you take to use in the film?"
JONES: "Well, initially it was hugely nerve-wracking."
BALDWIN: "Was it?"
JONES: "Very intimidating to be playing someone who is so hugely beloved and adored and has got to the position she’s in because of her integrity and her sheer hard work. So initially, you know, you just sort of — you’re taking it all in. But I mean, she’s phenomenal. The way that she managed to change a system that didn’t even want her there. The system was saying you should be in the kitchen, what the hell are you doing trying to enter the courts? And the way she managed to navigate that and harness that frustration and turn it into something incredibly positive is just remarkable."
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