Trump on Stopping the Russia Probe: ‘I Could Fire Everybody Right Now’ but ‘Politically I Do Not Like Stopping It’
TRUMP: "I could. I could fire everybody right now. But I do not want to stop it, because politically I do not like stopping it. It is a disgrace. It should have never been started, because there was no crime. Everybody has conflicts. They all have conflicts over there that are beyond anything that anybody has ever seen in terms of conflicts. From the fact that people ask for jobs, from the fact that they have very good friends on the other side, like really good friends like Comey, who by the way, lied and to leaked and also leaked classified information. Nothing happened there. It might, perhaps, maybe something is happening that I don't know about. I stay away from it. But you know what I do? I let it just go on. They are wasting a lot of money. But I let it go on, because I don't want to do that. But you are right, I could end it right now. I could say that investigation is over. But it is really — it is a disgrace, frankly. And it is an embarrassment to our country. It's an embarrassment to the people of our country. And it is too bad."